

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Finally, the Board of FC Barcelona has said its word on the subject of Reform/Enlarging of the Camp Nou. Beyond staging, very poor with that table where not fit all and it seemed that someone would come out at any time, that cocky fixation ("Next Question"), when they were questioned about the case of the signing of Neymar, Club representatives (Rosell, Faus, Moix, Freixa) , gave their reasons for voting in favor of reform.

They got theirs. I have mine, but to vote against it, as I guess you can also do the day of the consultation.

The first thing to be clear is that I am in favor of a reform in the Camp Nou. As I once said, I've seen a few stadiums in Europe, and the standards they have and, in most of the case we are talking about Clubs with lower level than Barça, are much higher than we have here. At all levels: Wi- Fi connections, Restaurants, Shops, etc.

That said, I will vote NO, because I have no more options to choose from. The Board dismissed a number of options. Why them? Why not we, the Partners, the owners of Club? On what basis they decide which options should we vote? If you have more than one, show them and then we'll decide what we want to do. And if you want to make easy, 3 options: New Stadium, Reform, Do nothing. And with the one that wins, we will decide what type of action. Now, this of "or this or nothing" does not seem the most appropriate.

I will vote NO, because the purpose of the reform (said by the same officials) is to increase the hospitality (VIP seats, so we understand), at match days and thereby make more money. That is, the most important thing is not the comfort of the fans, assumed that in a reform of this type should be the starting point, but cash on hand. No matter if the share-holders have more or less space to sit. Important that there are people on match days, that I bet what you want, what matters is to do business and not supporting the team.

I will vote NO, because the day of the vote you will have not seen any plans or diagrams or anything. There will be a model, it will be very nice, I guess, but we will not know how we will be distributed, who will change place due to works (temporarily or permanently), or who will have better location at no cost. I mean, first say YES or NO, to a work of 600M € and then we'll see how we do. Can anyone imagine ordering a house without a Project from an Architect? Well that's what we'll do. And think one thing. There must be a project for the Stadium, one for the new "Palau Blau Grana", one for the Annex to the Palau, one for Spatial urban environment, one for each building to be done, etc. Obviously, this will not be done for the 5th or 6th of April, neither 1 month earlier, which is the period that the members should have, at least, to watch and discuss. We will not see nor be no debate. Let us be clear .

I will vote NO, because it means the end of the Club as manager of its assets. It was said yesterday. Concessions for 50 and 99 years!!! All life. I think that nobody of us will be here to explain when these concessions are finished. The Management Club becomes external. Right now, you have the season-tickets, or Bar or services, catering at the Honor Box. Now, they will sell all new beverage services, and what isneeded. In fact, one of the companies responsible of the Reform Study (or rather, the one that made the study) is AEG, a specialist Sports facilities management company. For those who do not know, AEG is owned by the same sponsor that we carry in our shirt (part of the deal at the time?).
I will vote NO, because the Camp Nou can not have "surname ". Moreover, the figures given seem very out of market. Allianz pays 30M€ to have, for 30 years, its name in the stadium of Bayern. Here, 150M€ only for the "surname" ? Nobody believes it. And let no one confuse sentimentality with realism. Because they have said the Heritage Club is not sold and that all would be financed with own money. That is, the name of the stadium isn't Heritage, is it? The money obtained from the sale of the "name" is own money? I have not studied at ESADE and no place of these, but my knowledge of economics tell me that this is NO own money.

I will vote NO, because when Sandro Rosell ran for the presidency, said that the so called "Foster Project" was economically unfeasible (it was estimated around 300M€) and said that with an investment of 70M€ he could make the needed reform to adapt the Camp Nou. It turns out that the investment will be around 600M€ and that this amount is acceptable. Does anyone believe it? So much have been arranged for club finances that we can now afford this expense?

I will vote NO because the Board has no credibility. We have been fooled at all and they are cheating. The signing of Neymar is the latest episode. How can a journal go saying like "El Mundo" siad on Monday (20-1-2014) and did not go to the courts to quickly add a complaint? I just comes to my mind a solution: what they said was true and, if not, you must respect your name and the entity that you represent and act accordingly. And they have not. Maybe because they can not.

I will vote NO, because it does represent much more than a reform of the Stadium. It represents everything I 've said before, and much more. It represents to sell our soul and the club is not a Corporation. Barca is something ( much) more than that and, you can't play with feelings.

A final consideration. I am neither "pro" nor "anti" anything or anyone. In 2003 I voted Bassat ( He had Pep Guardiola as Technical Director). In 2007, I voted Laporta, because I understood that he was doing very well. When the non-confidence motion, I gave support to it , because I thought that the image he was selling was too far from the one that the President of Barça must show. I voted Rosell when he submitted, because I thought he was the best of all candidates and, if tomorrow we have a new motion of non-confidence to vote (something almost impossible with the new By-Laws, but that's another story), also I would support it. So clear.

Let's be clear. I will vote NO to this reform because we do not deserve it.

Jordi Pascual

You can follow me on Twitter: @JordiPascualP

P.S. By the way, does anyone remember if yesterday there was any comment about the kids?

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